The importance of a privacy-centric data strategy

Category: data, cookies, marketing

The importance of a privacy-centric data strategy | The Cocktail

We keep hearing that 2024 is going to be the year of privacy, but to what extent does this affect us? 

Privacy has become central to any Data or Marketing strategy, due to the many changes we have adapted to over the years:

So what changes in 2024, why is it such a pivotal year? Because of two main aspects: synchrony and magnitude. And the fact is that in this year we are going to accumulate privacy events equivalent to five of the previous ones. The most relevant are:

- "Cookies Law". The AEPD is in line with European standards and already requires, among other things, a "reject cookies" button with the same level of hierarchy as the "accept" button.

DMA (Digital Markets Act). The regulation forces big tech to offer users the right to refuse referral systems or the creation of a profile on them, to have a record of consent and for this to be explicit.

End of 3rd party-cookies. Following in the footsteps of other browsers, this January has begun the 1% of the disappearance of 3rd party cookies in Google Chrome. It will reach 100% in the third quarter of 2024, which will definitely mean the post-cookies era.

More tech restrictions. The efforts of some technology companies to protect user privacy (Apple, Firefox, Adblockers) will increase in 2024.

In one year, privacy events equivalent to five of the previous ones will accumulate.

What does this mean for any brand's data strategy and marketing campaigns? The key to answering this question is to emphasize that there is no single solution; rather, the range of solutions to deal with this new scenario is broad and sometimes complex.

For example, in order to adapt to the "Cookie Law" it will be necessary to adapt the banner, but also to build a solution for the management and distribution of consents accordingly. For the DMA it will be mandatory to install Consent Mode, but also to have a good first-party strategy ready to enable new use cases.

At The Cocktail we are continuously working to offer innovative and adaptive solutions to these emerging challenges. Our approach focuses on developing privacy-centric data strategies that not only comply with current regulations, but are also prepared to evolve with future changes. To this end, we rely on four fundamental pillars:

  1. Empower 1st-Party Data. We recognize the growing importance of this data and have therefore developed an advanced approach hand in hand with the most powerful CDPs in the market. This viewpoint not only facilitates the collection and activation of this data, but also integrates robust unified consent management, ensuring that every data collection point is aligned with user consent, and providing a robust and transparent basis for privacy-compliant data collection. 
  2. Server-Side Tagging. To enhance privacy and data control, we implemented server-side tagging. This technique reduces reliance on cookies and improves accuracy and security in data collection, while minimizing exposure of sensitive data. 
  3. Compliance audits. It is based on our automated validation tools and a unique data protection policy dashboard. Our Black & White methodology ensures that clients' websites comply with the latest privacy regulations. This provides a solid foundation for all data collection and usage activities. 
  4. Integration with Google Stack. We work hand in hand with Google solutions such as Privacy Sandbox, GA4 Audiences API and Consent Mode. These tools, in combination with our methodology and technology, provide a robust framework for managing privacy and consent, while leveraging the latest innovations in analytics and digital advertising.


At The Cocktail, we believe that 2024 is not only a year of challenges, but also of great opportunities. Our experience and innovation-focused vision give us the capabilities to guide our clients through this changing landscape, ensuring that their data and marketing strategies stay ahead of the curve, effective and, above all, respectful of user privacy.

