La tecnología, la gran aliada de los CMOs

Technology, the great ally of CMOs

In collaboration with Adobe, we highlighted the advantages of having versatile, robust, and integrated technological infrastructures in Marketing departments.

Being CxO today is more difficult than a decade ago. The complexity of the function, increasingly higher due to the emergence of artificial intelligence and new martech pieces; The commoditization of value propositions, due to low barriers to entry and pressure on efficiency due to increased acquisition costs, puts the role of the CMO in check. Marketing teams have to do more with less, and this creates a cascade of challenges that hinder their impact.


Being aware of this, The Cocktail organized, with Adobe, the event Beyond Experience with the aim of highlighting the advantages that technology offers to make processes more efficient, know customers better and activate data to transform their experiences into memorable moments.


Alberto Barreiro, Head of Creative Transformation for The Cocktail, was in charge of opening the day with a presentation on the marketing strategies in the age of AI. In it he shared the obstacles that professionals in the sector must overcome to achieve their objectives:

1.The CMO has gone from being a marketer to a comprehensive strategist due to broadening the focus from advertising to the complete customer experience. In addition, it must be the driver of the change towards a customer-oriented culture.


2.The need for constantly adapt to new technologies and platforms. 


3. The increasing difficulty of differentiating in a saturated market, where products and services tend to lose their uniqueness. 


4. The high consumer expectations who seek personalized experiences. 


5.The battle for relevance, with a need to create value beyond the product.


6. The pressure on marketing ROI, with the justification of the expense with clear and measurable returns.


7. Efficiency in the face of limited resources.


8. The focus on retention on deposit, leveraging the value of long-term relationships to sustain profitability.

“In this new era of AI, CMOs transcend the traditional marketing sphere to become architects of end-to-end experiences. Their role expands beyond leading the brand narrative, to forge deep and authentic connections through every touchpoint, driving not only loyalty but the co-creation of value with their audiences.”

JOY, generative transformation assistant for The Cocktail

Alberto pointed out that one of the keys to overcoming these challenges is to approach them from a holistic perspective that includes marketing, technology, purpose, people and the environment.


Likewise, the business must be defined as a relationship platform that integrates management with the client, their knowledge, business intelligence, creativity and development with data as the central axis. This relationship will be amplified with artificial intelligence through predictive models, hyperpersonalization, automation, etc.

“AI not only optimizes operations, but enriches every interaction, creating meaningful and lasting relationships and generating a positive and transformative impact.”

JOY, generative transformation assistant for The Cocktail

The event also featured the participation of:

Julian Thorpe, Partnership Manager EMEA for Adobe, shared the company's vision of providing solutions in an automated but adaptable way, offering optimized content and experiences to ensure the highest return on their customers' investment.



Caroline Sofie Balschmidt, Global Client Partner for VML, explained the success story of Coca-cola where data and technology played a fundamental role in achieving the company's challenges.



Daniel García Miranda, Engineering Manager & AEM Lead, and Idoia Torrecilla, Data & Martech Project Manager for The Cocktail, presented:

  1. The importance of scaling through technology to achieve the transformation of global companies. 


  2. The improvements obtained in the short-medium term after the use of AEM: reduction in costs in deployments thanks to the abstraction of the infrastructure operation assumed by Adobe, the use of DAM as a key piece in digital channels, holistic control and global content life cycle and transparent interconnection between the design and development areas. 


  3. The importance of betting on combining all the components and using CDP as a core for centralization.


The event continued with an interview by Keko Ponte, CIO for The Cocktail, with Manuel Martín-Albo, Digital Hub Omnichannel Manager at Repsol, who explained how the organization is working to optimize its processes to achieve greater efficiency by incorporating the advantages offered by the technology.



And finally, the event closed with a presentation by Carlos Duez, Go To Market Lead Customer Journey Management for Western at Adobe, who focused his speech on the capabilities of the Adobe Experience Platform and the entire layer of innovation that is being integrated into the platform that will allow a qualitative leap in the results of its clients.