The power of collaboration
Client | Parques Reunidos |
Where | International (11 countries) |
What | Travel & Leisure |
When | 2022 |
11 countries ---- 28,000 interviews conducted ---- +10 stakeholder interviews ---- 3 co-creation workshops with C-Level ---- 24 focus groups

Can your customers be complete strangers?
Amusement parks are venues that every week welcomes thousands of people of all kinds. Parques Reunidos, a theme park operator, had a customer relationship management system (CRM) specific to each of their parks. However, the data collected in these CRMs was transactional, with information on how customers spent their money, but did not delve into who actually was visiting their parks.

A complicated search to find the right partner
Parques Reunidos wanted to launch a study to analyze the characteristics of its customers and build a single CRM for all parks. However, there was a problem: the data companies that could migrate their CRMs lacked research capabilities, while those specializing in market research did not have the skills of the former. But thanks to the close collaboration between The Cocktail Analysis and TCK's Data department, we made the difference and were able to tackle this challenge.

Discovering who's who
We conducted a quantitative study on Parques Reunidos' customers in Europe and North America to find out their interests, habits, price sensitivity, key moments... From this data, we developed different customer profiles, such as geeks, gen-z or "urban" families. This segmentation gives us the necessary knowledge to create specific action plans at all levels.
A CRM to rule them all
To truly take advantage of the information collected, it was essential to have a centralized CRM shared by all the parks. We migrated all individual CRMs to this unified platform, which allowed us to enrich the understanding of each user with detailed behavioral profiles, beyond the initial transactional information. We incorporated Machine Learning techniques to anticipate the behavior of different segments and thus optimize the impact of our strategies. This step was crucial to obtain actionable information to drive business growth.

We have the first conversations with stakeholders and other interested parties on this new tool to explore their preferences and needs.
We conducted the first qualitative and quantitative customer surveys in countries where Parques Reunidos operates. We identify crucial aspects, especially those that might have been overlooked during internal iterations.
We carried out the migration of the individual CRMs of each park to the new common CRM for the group. This allows us to take advantage of the information collected in the studies for commercial actions, such as promotions, campaigns, events,...
We segmented customers into 11 types for the new CRM. We implemented the analytical model and showcased the tool's capabilities in a workshop led by our Transformation Director, Alberto Barreiro.
Integrating analytical and technological capabilities in one team was key to success. We overcame the synchronisation challenge, addressing the needs of both areas simultaneously.
Before and after

By thoroughly understanding customers, we are able to develop specific action plans that more effectively commercially empower Parques Reunidos. Thanks to the shared use of a common CRM, this efficiency extends to all of its parks around the world, giving this project a truly global reach and impact. We have been able to move from a culture where the only customer information was transactional and where parks operated in isolation, to one that promotes collaboration and has a deep understanding of the interests and needs of Parques Reunidos' customers.
+28 k
surveys conducted
In the different markets where Parques Reunidos is present.
In which the new CRM is active and operational.
workshop sessions
Held with C-Level managers from different parks and countries.
Conducted with stakeholders to adapt the project approach to the challenge of each area.
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