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HealthPR & Reputation ManagementE2E Social Business

Composing a new future in the fight against lung cancer

WhatHealth & Pharma
When2022 - 2024

+2M€ of funding raised for the cause ------ +100 institutional and private partners activates ------ 1 creative idea to unite them all in the same project ------ 1 mobile unit on the street to save lives

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Winning the race against lung cancer

Lung cancer, the third leading cause of death in Spain, is a silent enemy. Its symptoms only manifest themselves in advanced and metastatic stages, when intervention becomes more difficult. For this reason, early detection is a crucial step in combating this challenge effectively. Oncosur's challenge is to shape an initiative that helps the population to detect this disease early. An early CT scan can save 80% of patients.

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A bus against cancer

We faced a complex and unique challenge: to understand how to deploy a mobile unit on the streets to combat lung cancer, a disease with a strong negative stigma. This condition, in many cases self-inflicted, is exacerbated by the fact that 70% of people who start treatment decide not to complete it. In addition, it was important to find the right partners to fund the project. How many people know what a CT scanner is and how much it costs to build?

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Kilometers of life

We moved away from business KPIs to focus on new ones: putting a mobile unit on the road capable of assisting lung cancer patients.

What's playing on the radio of this bus?

Camarón de la Isla and Serrat. A song that Camarón could not finish because of lung cancer and that will be reconstructed by the AI.

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It will not change the history of flamenco, but it will change the lives of thousands of people

We face the challenge with the conviction that change is possible. As part of the WPP group, we recognize our responsibility in solving a complex challenge that combines capabilities in creativity, traditional business, media and marketing.

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"It had been tried a thousand times in the past without success. It took the arrival of a company like The Cocktail to turn the approach around"

Josep Heredia - Director of the Ricky Rubio Foundation






We landed the BUSTAC value proposition and generated visual content to start making the idea tangible.
We identify and prioritize key partners in the environment to obtain funding.
We began to mobilize public meetings to approach different foundations, private entities and public institutions that could bring the project to life.
We generate a detailed business case to enhance the value proposition. To be continued...


Every day closer to the goal

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We were able to create an attractive value proposition to help lung cancer patients. We identified key partners and raised funding to move the project forward, wrapped in a great marketing campaign.

potential partners



And governmental personalities involved in the project.

+300.000 €
of social capital

Acquired for the project.